FEEL FREE is a general wellness podcast centered around health, habits, and hobbies. Jon Cerone, a recovering addict, and his guests use stories of adversity and comedy in order to inspire others to chase their dreams and live their best lives.
Aidan Thimm: Insights on Fitness, Sobriety and Wellness
Aidan Thimm joins The FEEL FREE Podcast to chat about his newfound sobriety from alcohol and how he plans to skyrocket his potential in all areas of wellness. Personal accountability, fitness routines, ancestral eating habits and the struggles of maintaining an active lifestyle amidst a hectic schedule in the 21st century are just few of the topics covered.
Open your ears and hearts to this enlightening conversation and get inspired to start your journey towards a healthier life.
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Parables: Musings From an Addict on the Journey Toward Wholeness on Amazon:
This is the Feel Free Podcast, the only podcast that'll tell you to chase your dreams and call you out on all your bullshit, myself included. I got my buddy, aiden Thim, here to talk about his wellness journey. He's also best friends with Brandon K Chuck, who was just on the podcast last week, so I'm bringing all the awesome homies together to talk about your wellness journey. So you are a month sober now.
Speaker 2:So you said yes, month on Tuesday.
Speaker 1:And what are you sober from? Was it just the booze, really?
Speaker 2:Alcohol yes.
Speaker 1:Okay, so you didn't really have the wasn't like weed or anything other than that, really.
Speaker 2:You know. So currently I am still smoking weed at night. That is something I would like to stop doing in the future, but I know myself and it's something I know I have to be ready for. Like quitting drinking is something I've wanted to do for a long time, but I wasn't ready to do it until it finally clicked. I'm like this enough is enough.
Speaker 1:I actually did the same thing during my sobriety, so I continued to smoke just to get rid of the other habits, which would be like the alcohol and cocaine, because once you try and take down too many bad habits at one time, it's just not going to work. You're going to lose your mind. So I know how that is, and does it help you sleep at night? Is that how you?
Speaker 2:is that what you're doing? Yeah, that's a big thing. I only smoke in the evenings. I don't smoke a large quantity, but it is very much of it's the end of the day. I kind of want to wind down a little bit.
Speaker 1:It's therapeutic, yeah for sure. Now, what was your inspiration to getting off the booze?
Speaker 2:Honestly, brandon was a huge inspiration to me. I have been drinking fairly heavily for about 10 years or so, ever since I started at Grand Valley as a freshman and got involved with the alcohol and partying culture and drinking is just very normal. In my family there's a lot of people that drink a lot like functioning alcoholic level, and so it was always something that was very normalized to me and I never thought I would give it up. I thought maybe I could pull it back and not drink so heavily, and I had several attempts at that with varying levels of success, where I would pull back, not drink a lot for a while, but then I'd go on a bender and go crazy and you're right back into it again and I'm just like oh my gosh, this happened again Lacking out, doing stupid stuff, feeling horrible and unmotivated to do my wellness activities.
Speaker 2:And so really, watching Brandon over the last 11 months with him getting coached, and the progress that he's made in his life in all areas his fitness, his job, his finances I just started to see like, wow, this is a realistic goal for me. I mean, he's having a great time sober, so if he can do it, then I can do it.
Speaker 1:That's crazy. I mean, he is an inspirational motherfucker though he is, he is.
Speaker 2:I mean, he was the biggest inspiration, but also, like he introduced me to you and Moncy and I know you guys have quite a bit of sobriety under your belt and just introducing me to more sober people that are living their truths without alcohol.
Speaker 1:Right yeah, I think Moncy just hit his five year recently yeah. I'm at four and a half right now.
Speaker 2:Right on.
Speaker 1:Congratulations, thank you. I was actually at a sober meetup last night it wasn't NA or AA, but it's a group on Facebook called Sober Souls and we just went and played just board games last night and hung out and I actually handed out a copy of my book to everybody.
Speaker 2:Oh, right on.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so that was actually a really cool experience. Brandon's always been like a huge inspiration to me, whether he knows it or not, and I think that's the same for a lot of people you know to finally see him living his truth, Like you say, it's uh, yeah, I'm really proud of him and I know he's going to do great things. So, absolutely Honestly, man, like the booze, I don't miss it. I don't, I really don't. After, like you said, you've seen the progress in Brandon and where my life is right now, I actually had somebody ask me that on an episode. They're like so you'll never drink again. And I'm like I I don't see a point. Yeah, I don't see a point in it. You know, physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, like it's just not even comparable, Like who I am now and who I was before. You know and I could see that with you as well, Cause you're very similar to my brother.
Speaker 1:He, a couple of years ago, he gave up drinking too. He's on the uh, the liver and organ grind. He's trained for the Olympics. He's uh trying to get his mile time down to like four minutes. Wow, I think he's at four minutes and five seconds right now. That's impressive, yeah, so he. He gave up all of his bad habits and he turned it around to kind of do the fitness thing that you're doing right now, Very um, not really carnivore, but very holistic though. So did you always have this knowledge or has this been something that's been happening recently, like with your eating and you're working out and stuff?
Speaker 2:So, um, growing up, uh, both of my parents were always into health and wellness. Um, especially my mother. I get a lot of my passion for health and wellness from her. She's always working out, always cooking the best meals. Uh, using organic food. Uh, we just grew up avoiding processed food for the most part.
Speaker 2:So, I kind of had that firsthand experience of eating well throughout my life, Even as a kid. I hated it because I wanted the fun cereals. I wanted to eat the lucky charm and the, the gushers and what have you and my parents would never buy that stuff. But looking back on it. I'm like wow, I, I actually uh, what's, what's saved?
Speaker 1:from that for sure. I mean, that's huge nowadays, though. I mean, my parents did give me that shit though, so um.
Speaker 2:I mean, I got it at friends houses and we can find it.
Speaker 1:You know um but to have it on like tap, like always in the house. You know you're going to eat it then.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it becomes an ingrained is who you are and what you do is you don't really think about it, right?
Speaker 1:It's the same thing with soda too.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah.
Speaker 1:Now that I don't drink. I don't really drink, I don't drink pop anymore.
Speaker 2:Nor do I. I'm a big seltzer water guy.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:McCroys or bubblies.
Speaker 1:All right, yeah, I just recently got into that stuff.
Speaker 2:I realized, um, after giving up drinking, I love drinking, it just doesn't need to be alcohol, right? Um, I'm really big into the non-alcoholic beers as of late. Um, like watching a football game, I'll get a six pack of Heineken NAs and drink those, right. And um, what you were saying before about how you don't miss the booze, there, I don't miss the way alcohol makes me feel because after a while I just wasn't doing the same thing for me.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:I didn't feel worse, like clouded, like I, my cognition was just not working the way that it should. But there are some things that I will miss about drinking culture. Um, I was a big cocktail guy, love making cocktails, uh, trying new cocktails, being in that like high end bar setting, right. But yeah, now with the non-alcoholic beer I'm like I still get to indulge in a beverage and have that community surrounding it without the negative effects of alcohol on my mind and yeah, the hangover.
Speaker 1:I love that. Yeah, my brother's big on the uh, the non-alcoholic beers, but it's also like the bubbly part. You know, that's what got me into the um I'm really big into was it liquid death? I haven't tried that yet, Really. Yeah, Definitely. I'd say, snag one on your trip to Colorado.
Speaker 2:Okay, yeah, it's a good one.
Speaker 1:Yeah, if you like LaCroix and Bubbly, um, you definitely like that. They have flavors, but I always just go for the normal carbonated water.
Speaker 2:As long as it's carbonated I'm I'm usually fine with that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, it's definitely good, but otherwise I I mostly just drink, uh, coffee and water. So what happened with just up and leaving and everything? So when I look at you, I see somebody who's lived in Colorado his whole life, though.
Speaker 2:So uh, I get that a lot. I either get the Colorado or the California vibe.
Speaker 1:Right, some people you think it's the hair. I think it's partially the hair, for sure.
Speaker 2:With the flow like this, people expect me to be a surfer.
Speaker 1:I mean yeah, or a snowboarder, for sure.
Speaker 2:Which I love all boards, boards, um, surfing. I probably have the least experience, just cause I haven't lived by an ocean, but do enjoy it. Um, but yeah, ever since I was a kid I've been on skis or snowboard and I've always wanted to live and work at a ski resort and last year presented the opportunity. Um, I didn't have an apartment, didn't have a relationship, I just didn't have a lot of possessions, so not a lot of things tie me down, so got rid of a lot of my stuff, packed my remaining stuff into my car and drove out to the Rocky Mountains and it was, hands down, the best winner of my life.
Speaker 1:This bad ass though. I mean a lot of people have the ability to do something like that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, everyone keeps telling me, like, do it while you're young do it while you don't have attachments and I'm like, yeah, I suppose that's true.
Speaker 1:So you're going to go back every winter to Colorado now.
Speaker 2:You know, my only plan is that I don't have a plan. There you go as far as um short term goes. I do have a long term vision that I'm working towards, especially after getting sober, and I can see that coming to life and not being hampered by my bad habits Right and ultimately, the next year for me is just going to be about developing those good habits. The quote I heard recently that has really resonated with me is it's not how, it's who, it's not how are you going to manifest your vision? Are you the person that can do it?
Speaker 2:Okay, and so right now I'm working on crafting the man that can do that Nice. I think Colorado is a great spot for me to be doing that. It's a really cheap place to live. Where I'm at, I have access to a really nice gym and a really nice spa. I have the same hours every day, so I can get into a routine of going to the gym every day, working every day, just developing those good habits, and then snowboarding and then snowboarding.
Speaker 1:Fuck yeah, that's nice. So what got you on the? Uh, the organ diet, though Were you always on that.
Speaker 2:No, actually. So I'm a big follower of liver king. Okay, he's one of the people I love to follow on Instagram. Um, not taking his word as gospel or by any means, but I really do love the message that he preaches of kind of going back to ancestral living and doing as our ancestors did. And, um, as far as the organ meat goes, it's extremely nutrient, dense. It's just it's not usually in high demand because not a lot of people like to eat it. It has a very off-putting flavor. I'll tell you that.
Speaker 1:Sure and texture yes, yeah, that was uh.
Speaker 2:When I first tried it last year, that was a huge obstacle for me. I've since found ways to eat it in a um how should I say this? Um less disgusting way, manageable.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Like I'll blend it into a smoothie with some fruit and some other things, so you still get a little liver flavor, but you're not trying to like work through this chewy blob that you otherwise would have to do, right, right.
Speaker 1:For for how much? Uh, like the nutrient density of it, like there's nothing that compares to it.
Speaker 2:And that that's a big thing that he talks about. Um, especially with the vitamin A or retinol. It is the? Um most dense source of retinol that you can find on the planet and you can't get that from a supplement, because the key of it coming from an animal source is the bioavailability. Like the ability of your body to actually integrate and break it down. Yeah, and like retinol. That's huge for your skin. That's. It's like collagen a little bit. Okay helps prevent wrinkles and Keeps the that natural, young, glow right present.
Speaker 1:I have collagen peptides I put in my workout smoothies too. I can't say I'm on that liver grind, though my brother eats a piece of liver every day, though I think, oh, right on, I think he's been doing that, and also a piece of testicle For the got. It's got to be a year at least, you know yeah, finally got into the testicle recently. Yeah he raves about it, for how? It how it's helped him with his recovery in terms of, like, all of his workouts and stuff.
Speaker 2:So okay, yeah.
Speaker 1:I mean, he's like, like I said, he's training For the Olympics and like all of his running and stuff like that, and he's noticed a significant difference in his ability to perform, while eating the liver in the testicle, you know and and the ancient knowledge goes back to Like fixes, like so if you want to, you want to fix your heart eat heart right.
Speaker 2:If you want to improve your virility, eat testicle right. Like that sort of ancient wisdom, I think, definitely has a basis in fact, and people have been doing it for thousands of years. We've just gotten away from it a little bit in the past century.
Speaker 1:We've gotten away from a lot of Things in the last century, and fortunately you know. I mean we could have an entire conversation about more than just health, you know, political, financial and all that other crap. But uh, yeah, I think it's an absolute disservice what the the government and the medical industry have done to the people over here in America.
Speaker 2:Yes, it is a shame and, and over the last couple years I've really started to realize, I mean, wake up a little bit, like, like they say, like getting red pilled, like you take the red pill from the matrix right you wake up to the reality of everything, and the more time goes by, the more it seems quite obvious to me that it is its position like that, for a reason. Like the medical industry with big pharma, they want to keep you sick so they can continue selling you drugs it's like right and Like the government with their dietary guidelines.
Speaker 2:They want to make you fat. They want to make you weak, because fat and weak people are compliant right and they can push their agenda on you more easily right and that, really that goes against my, my libertarian morals and values.
Speaker 1:I was gonna say. I was gonna say libertarian or anarcho capitalist, both, just like Brandon Brandon.
Speaker 2:Both of those ideologies, and I mean just after the light reading I've done on Austrian economics and free markets, I really do have a strong belief in it, whether or not it's realistic to implement in this country with everything we have going on the values, though, of libertarianism and Anarcho capitalism.
Speaker 1:Though it's, it's not if it's gonna be applied to every facet of life, but the whole the freedom thing is really big. I wouldn't consider myself a full-blown libertarian like like you and Brandon, or an anarcho capitalist like my buddy, chris is also here. I like to take little bits and pieces from everything, but Definitely in terms of like authenticity and like fending for yourself. You know, being a human eating these things like organs and stuff actually taking care of our humanity. You know those, those values are part of libertarianism, in my opinion.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. I think personal accountability is a huge one. Oh yeah, that I think I lacked a lot of In the early part of my adulthood for sure, yeah, same here and have just really come into that the past couple years and Now taking this next step of getting sober, I'm like I really want to take care of myself to the fullest of my ability.
Speaker 2:I know I have the potential to manifest like some pretty crazy dreams that I've had but have shoved off to the side because I was. I was ready to settle for a mediocre life. I was ready to. You know I I could drink a little bit, I could have fun Just wanted to make enough money to be comfortable.
Speaker 1:Pay my bills? Yeah, exactly.
Speaker 2:But, um, something Brandon said on one of your guys's last podcast is something like my biggest fear was living a mediocre life. Yeah, and that really.
Speaker 1:Are like I think it was like his quote was like something about hell, or like hell, hell is Dying and then seeing what your life could have been, or something. Yeah, I was like, well, that's some fucked up shit.
Speaker 2:And I just I saw two paths ahead of me, especially like as I'm approaching 30 in the next couple years. I have decent amount of friends in their 30s and some are very high achieving and some are not, and I was kind of looking down the paths of where I was going to go if I continued down the path I was on and it really scared me.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I. I don't want to look back in 50 years and be like, wow, I could have done all this stuff. I want to look back and be like, wow, I made the decisions and I did that stuff right that that self-awareness is huge.
Speaker 1:That's all I. It's crazy when you get that self-awareness because of the sobriety too. Like you've had moments like that, that self-awareness, but like you're saying you were settling for a mediocre life. I was doing the same shit before I was getting sober. I'd have these spurts of like what I see, my potential, my life, and then I'd be like but I can, I can just go and do this instead. Yeah, and it's taking that step to finally the clarity you get without alcohol. Like I don't push, like doing drugs on anybody. You know I'd be a hypocrite if I told people to not try them. You know, because I did right.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, once you've had those experiences treating your life optimally in a health aspect, I'd say I'd say alcohol is one of the worst fucking things for you. Absolutely, I'm 100%. I think it was a Frederick Nietzsche quote that he said that organized religion and alcohol were two of the worst things for humanity. I was like damn dude opiates of the masses.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, pretty much. Yeah.
Speaker 1:But yeah, life without alcohol, once you start seeing your potential and, like you saw, like with Brandon, the fucking progress he's made in 11 months and we were actually talking about it too it's you're almost like hungry. Like I'm four and a half years sober and I hit a little snag last year with like my wellness and stuff. The first year or two of my sobriety I was just fucking hungry for change, you know, and wellness and all this other crap you know. And having him come here and visit me, it's kind of like a lit a fire under me also and I'm like, oh yeah, I can get back to that, you know. So I'm back to like working out five days a week watching what.
Speaker 1:I do watching what I eat and all that shit you know. So 2024, I'm gonna be fucking yoked.
Speaker 2:So 2024 is gonna be a great year. Yeah, there you go. It's the year of personal development.
Speaker 1:I'm down with it and it's accountability to you. Got a Always got Muncie. Muncie gives me calls Randomly to to spark that with me. I love talking to Brandon. Brandon will talk for like two hours on the phone though, you know.
Speaker 2:I do love that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah just fucking go off, you know but and then I have my brother here as well but having like positive accountability like a group, you know, like what we're doing right now it's. It's huge because you can make these changes in your own life individually.
Speaker 2:Right, but revitalizing yourself around positive people is so fucking important if you don't have have yourself surrounded with other people who are doing similar things, it makes it a lot more difficult to stick with the decisions that you've made. Oh god. Yeah, it's almost impossible I mean, like that law, like you become the five people that you spend the most time with. That is so true. Yeah, it is, and if you're spending time with people that are drinking and doing drugs, it's like you're probably gonna be drinking.
Speaker 1:Shit, yeah. Yeah, that's some truth right there. So what do you do? You stick to any specific like workout routine. Do you do a lot of body weight exercises though? Right?
Speaker 2:Yeah. So that is something I've been kind of figuring out as of recently, Because throughout my whole adult life I've been into Exercising with, but it's just been more of a roller coaster because I was always drinking or doing drugs or whatever and that could easily justify waking up one morning feeling shitty and be like I'm not gonna do it today, Right. But now that I'm getting into a consistent routine. So my morning routine every morning I wake up and my non-negotiable morning workout I do 100 pushups and 100 squats, so that's at least the minimum for the day, and then later in the day this is something I've been incorporating within the past month I do a different muscle group every day.
Speaker 2:So, chest Monday back Tuesday shoulders Wednesday biceps Thursday triceps Friday legs Saturday core Sunday no days off. Damn, you're going seven, absolutely Holy fuck, because I need that. I need that consistency. I can't. It's like I can't just drink once a week. I need to be sober 100%. I can't take a rest day. I need to work out every day.
Speaker 2:Zero to 100., but like on days like today where, like I got up early and I knew I had a big road trip ahead of me, like I still did a core workout today, but it was, it was really light. So if I need to, if I need to rest, I'll still work out. It just won't be as intense as it otherwise would have been Right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think I have one rest day, one or two, but sometimes if I play basketball for three straight hours like I'm fucking gas the next day like whole bodies aching. You know, definitely, yeah, but I don't know if I could do seven days a week. You're on something right now. That's yeah you got it, for sure, we'll see it, we'll see how long it lasts. Right.
Speaker 2:I mean, I built this whole routine at my dad's house in shoulder season, where I wasn't working, so I literally had all day, every day, to curate this routine. Now, going back to Colorado, I'm going to have to assimilate my job back into my life, so that's going to be a lot of time going to have to plan and prepare meals in advance instead of just cooking throughout the day, and so, yeah, I'm going to see if I burn out doing that or if I'm able to sustain it. But my fitness routine is definitely something I've been working on tweaking as of recently.
Speaker 2:So yeah continue to see how that evolves.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think with the job and assimilating that it's definitely going to end the cooking, the meals, like you said. Those are two big things that even I struggle with in terms of a routine on a weekly basis which I was actually just talking to my girlfriend about this because some days during the week when you're working and maybe you have other obligations, maybe hanging out with somebody or doing something else I just don't have time to work out. So I actually make my rest days during the week because I know Saturday or Sunday comes around and I'm like I have enough time to go hit a fucking workout on the weekend. I think that's smart, right, because other people are like, oh, saturday, sunday, I'm off. I don't view it like that because if I wanted to work on the podcast or I wanted to work on writing, saturday and Sunday are those fucking days where I don't have the rest of life's obligations to fulfill. But I might as well hit a workout on those days too. Absolutely.
Speaker 1:One thing I have noticed is I do a lot of pushups now I've started the last three months mostly because of the time constraint with work and stuff and I think people severely underestimate body weight exercises. I don't know if it's Instagram or social media in general or just the industry, but people think I have to get a gym membership and I have to go to the gym and I have to do the things that other shredded people are saying I need to do. I don't think so. I think if you got on a consistent routine of doing some fucking pushups, situps and squats on a weekly basis, you'd be in so much better shape.
Speaker 2:I 100% agree with you. What people don't realize about the body weight workouts is that compounds over time. On this daily routine, I'm on right now of doing 100 pushups and 100 squats. My baseline is going to be almost 37,000 of each every year.
Speaker 1:That's huge, when you think about it.
Speaker 2:That's just my baseline. I mean I'm doing other workouts and some days I might do two or three 400 pushups. While machines and free weights can be good for building extra mass, I do think people vastly undervalue body weight workouts and what it can do for you.
Speaker 1:You don't need to go anywhere. You're only just doing it on the fucking floor. I do it in between points. I'm playing in a video game or a TV show. I'm just going to drop down to 25 motherfucking pushups.
Speaker 2:Last weekend, when I was watching football, every commercial break I did 10 burpees. Oh shit, I ended up doing 120 burpees throughout the course of the game.
Speaker 1:God damn, those are tough though, jesus, those are tough burpees.
Speaker 2:If you want a good body weight workout, that's also cardio. It works everything.
Speaker 1:I haven't done that since football. Yeah, refuse to do that.
Speaker 2:I'll be honest with you, man.
Speaker 1:In order to make my body weight exercises more interesting, two months ago I bought a weighted vest.
Speaker 2:Oh, there you go.
Speaker 1:Yeah, 12 pounds. It had four. On Amazon it had a four and eight and a 12.
Speaker 2:Really.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm a big anime guy. Okay, growing up I watched Dragon Ball Z. You've probably heard of Dragon Ball Z. In that show it was popularized like weighted clothing or weighted training. These martial artists would wear 50 pounds and then still fight normally, right.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:So a very popular thing in the anime community is looking at that and putting on weighted vest or weighted ankle weights. I was going to get the weighted vest to help with running but after doing some Reddit searching I realized that it's going to blow my joints out if I wear a weighted anything and go on runs.
Speaker 2:I'll really start wearing on your shoulders after a while. Yeah, it's that weight hanging on my feet, and it's the knees too, though, apparently. Oh yeah.
Speaker 1:I already got bad knees from basketball After looking into it. I do wear the weighted vest when I just go on walks.
Speaker 2:There you go.
Speaker 1:I go on a few two to three mile walks a week and I just wear the vest and then I crank out push-ups and squats with the vest on too.
Speaker 2:Okay, yeah, yeah, that's perfect. That's another way to just add a little bit more power to your body weight. Right your sizes.
Speaker 1:Exactly, and I don't have to go to the gym for it, you know. So it's great. Also recently got on the sauna grind.
Speaker 2:Oh, I love saunas.
Speaker 1:So nice.
Speaker 2:That's honestly. One of the huge reasons why I am going back to copper is the access to the gym, but also the spa.
Speaker 1:In Colorado right.
Speaker 2:Yes, so like every day, after work, eat a snack, I go to the gym crank out a workout and then hot tub, then steam room, then sauna.
Speaker 1:God damn.
Speaker 2:And it's like negative 15 and windy out, and then it's you've been outside all day and you're just like frozen to the bone. It feels so good to just get in a hot tub, sauna, steam room and just sit there and breathe in the steam or the cedar air.
Speaker 1:It's so good for you though it is. Yeah, the sauna is especially good for your heart too.
Speaker 2:It's cardio without moving which is my favorite kind of cardio.
Speaker 1:Dude, I saw some other fucking jagging in the sauna last week. What Like? Literally like fucking jagging in place and I'm sitting there like sweating bullets and I'm like watching him, Like there were four other dudes in there with me and we're all watching him like jogging in place, Like this man is crazy dude. He was fucking yoked, he was shredded. But I'm like, dude, you won't see my ass doing some shit like that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, honestly, like the sauna, I go in there to relax, Right Like. I enjoy the cardio of like after you've been in there for a while and your heart starts pumping. You're sweating bullets and just like breathing deeply, but I don't need any additional as well. I'm in there. No, I don't know what that guy was trying to do Existing is enough cardio for me.
Speaker 1:It's a hard time with that when it's like 105 degrees or so. Well, no, it's like 140 in there.
Speaker 2:It's like 180. Yeah.
Speaker 1:Fuck. Yeah, I did start doing that in the last couple of weeks, though it just sucks because it's a 20 minute drive for me.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so I have an LA fitness membership. There's an LA fitness five minutes from here, but they don't have a sauna. So that's where I go to hoop, but the LA Fitness 20 minutes from here has a sauna. So I make it a point I guess a non-negotiable, as you and Brandon would say at least once a week I have to go drive there and sit in the sauna for sure.
Speaker 2:Awesome, that's a very good thing to be doing. If you can do it more than once a week, that's great.
Speaker 1:I think the last two weeks I did twice. So, yeah, it's just, it's really out of the way for.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and if it becomes an inconvenience, I totally understand that.
Speaker 1:And it just sucks because the one I'm closer to is the one I hoop at, so I got a bunch of dudes that show up there. We're all in this group that we play basketball with right. Yeah, my girlfriend and I were actually just at a spa yesterday. Downtown Chicago is this place called RA Baths and it's like this warehouse that was tricked out to be a spa. It's got like six or seven different hot tubs, steam rooms and shit like that. One of the hot tubs there has the salinity that mimics the Dead Sea.
Speaker 2:Oh, interesting, yeah, so you can float, in it, that's super cool.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's badass we actually, we were there. You pay for either a 45 minute, an hour and a half, oh, and they have cold plunges there too. Stationed around, there's a cold plunge in the eucalyptus or peppermint steam room. I love eucalyptus steam rooms.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it was fucking nice and it's actually in the steam room, the fucking cold plunge was in there.
Speaker 1:That is genius.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Wow, the hottest hot tub is also next to the coldest cold plunge there.
Speaker 2:That sounds like where I would be. It's brutal. It's brutal, Honestly like how cold are we talking?
Speaker 1:30s, 30s, okay, yeah, and then that hot tub is hot as fuck. I forgot the temperature. But I'll tell you what. I go in the hot tub for like five minutes, that hot one, and then I'll go and do 10 seconds. I'm not a big cold plunge dude, right, I'm not doing the shit where I'm in there for a couple minutes, I don't do that.
Speaker 2:Oh man, you gotta get into that. I don't know man, I'll work three minutes to get the benefits.
Speaker 1:I say, oh my god, I'll work up to it at least. But after doing it for just 10 seconds in that cold plunge and then going into the super hot one, your body like your skin, you don't feel how hot it is.
Speaker 2:That's a phenomenon called afterdrop, I believe.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's like numb.
Speaker 2:Because your blood when you get into the cold goes to your core so it can supply your organs with blood. Most of your blood leaves your extremities and when you get back into the hot water, all the blood flows back into your extremities and you get that hot blood flowing through cold veins and it's just like it was tingly. Yeah, it can be painful tingly.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it was a little bit for sure, but it was nice. I'd say that we paid for an hour and a half long session and normally it's like a pretty high-end spot so that people come and get you, but no one ever came and got us. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, we actually just ended up leaving because we were just getting pruney for two hours so we just left.
Speaker 2:You know, I love that.
Speaker 1:I look at my phone and I'm like, holy fuck, we got an extra half hour out of that. I was like what? When there's also a hot tub that's connected, it's inside, and then there's a wall and you swim under it and it's outside.
Speaker 2:Oh, I've seen those before. I really like those.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it was dope, so that was kind of just like our self-care routine that we try and do. It's a little expensive though, so we don't try and do it too often.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it definitely gets expensive. That's honestly a huge reason why I'm going back to copper. It's included with my employment there. Oh god yeah that's nice. Short walk from where I live. How long?
Speaker 1:is the season open.
Speaker 2:So I believe we opened last week, November 13th, and normally the season ends April 23rd, but last year I think it was open until May 8th. It was the longest season in 25 years just because the whole West Coast got hammered with snow. Right yeah, so yeah, I'm out there for five months.
Speaker 1:Do you come back to Michigan after though?
Speaker 2:So what I did last year after, like at the end of April, I flew down to Tampa and I spent three and a half weeks with my aunt and uncle down there, and then I flew back to Denver and pretty much immediately drove up to Big Sky and I spent the summer in Big Sky, montana Fuck.
Speaker 1:Yeah, what'd you do up there?
Speaker 2:I was working for a private club called Moonlight Basin and. I was the valet but didn't actually do any valet work, so I was basically the transporter for members. So a member needs to be picked up from the airport, I go grab them Right. If they need to get around the resort or into town, I take them. So pretty much driving jobs at these resorts the past couple of places I've been.
Speaker 1:It's beautiful up there, though I bet.
Speaker 2:Oh, it is incredible. It's amazing hiking five minutes from where I live. Montana's never a place. I thought I would go. I just never really knew much about it. And I found that job opportunity and I ended up going there and I fell in love with it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean like the north, what is that? Considered Northwest, almost Kinda.
Speaker 2:I wouldn't say it's quite Northwest. It is the Northwest, yeah Like.
Speaker 1:Montana, north Dakota. What's another one up there? Idaho, idaho, washington also. My parents took us on a lot of trips with. My mom loves camping, trailer camping, so glamping.
Speaker 2:Glamping yeah.
Speaker 1:She's got a really nice fifth wheel, so we hit a lot of those states growing up. But yeah, we haven't been up there recently. We go camping quite a bit. But we go camping in South Haven a lot every year. Okay, yeah, because it's just like that's a nice area and God, anytime I can just leave Chicago, I love it.
Speaker 2:It is nice to get away from the city, oh yeah, I won't be buying here. I won't be purchasing here, I'll tell you that I'm too much of a nature boy. I don't really feel that I know.
Speaker 1:Yeah, same here and it helps a lot with my writing and just overall well-being too. You can be having a shitty day and you just go spend 30 minutes in nature and you're like, wow, life really isn't that bad.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you know, smell some fresh air. Get some sun on your skin, yeah.
Speaker 1:But here in the city it's just like, wow, all I smell is cement, trash and trucks, yeah, and I'm like, fuck me dude, I gotta get out of here.
Speaker 2:And the Midwest winners. That is what really kills me. I suffer from seasonal depression, as many people do, and in Michigan, when the sun is gone for like two, three weeks at a time, that's gone.
Speaker 1:I'm so depressed.
Speaker 2:And Colorado actually gets the most sun of the entire nation, even more than Florida.
Speaker 1:Really.
Speaker 2:And so it's either a bluebird day or just blue skies and sunshine, or it's dumping snow on us, so it's like the weather is fantastic, no matter which way you spin it. So you walk out in the middle of January, where it's normally like dark, and walk out like, oh it's bright, it's beautiful, I'm feeling good, I got energy.
Speaker 1:So you're big on the sunlight thing, right?
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:Sunlight and the retinas. Did you get that from Huberman or is there somebody else who you got it from? Liver King is a huge proponent of sunlight on the skin.
Speaker 2:I'm trying to think. I think there was someone else in the past. I think Wim Hof talks about that as well.
Speaker 1:I know, I've never heard of him.
Speaker 2:Oh, really Wim Hof, so he's known as the Iceman. Oh, ok, he was really I think what brought? He brought cold plunging to my attention. My dad introduced me to Wim Hof like three years ago or so and he holds all of these world records where he can sit in an ice bath for 15 hours and not change his core body temperature. So he's participated in a lot of research that previously was thought like. We cannot control our autonomous I don't know if I'm saying that correctly autonomous nervous system.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like homeostasis regulation.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Things that are performed to keep our body in homeostasis like you said it was thought that we could not influence that. He proved that we can influence it, that you can actually stimulate the flow of adrenaline through your body to keep yourself warm when you get in those extreme cold conditions.
Speaker 1:He's been doing that for years, though. Right, yeah, he's been training almost.
Speaker 2:He climbed Mount Everest in shorts.
Speaker 1:No shirt, those guys fucking crazy.
Speaker 2:Yeah, he is, and I love when people call me crazy. I've been into cold plunging ever since I found out about it and have gotten progressively better at it, and I'll tell you the benefits from it are incredible.
Speaker 1:But what do you see is the benefits? What do you get from it that you didn't see before?
Speaker 2:Well, the immediate benefit that you get is the dopamine rush. I mean cold plunging is rarely a pleasant experience If it's in water that's not super cold, like when I was up visiting Brandon in October in Sutton's Bay. I was jumping in the lake and it was cold but it was like bearable. I was sitting in there enjoying it. But if I'm jumping in the Osable River in January where the water is 33 degrees and it's moving, that's like okay.
Speaker 2:I got to seriously prepare for this because it can be very dangerous if you don't know what you're doing.
Speaker 1:Right Now. Let's say, you can actually have a panic attack too, like you're almost fight or flight, if you're not mentally prepared for something like that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and if your breathing gets away from you? And you start unconsciously shivering that's when the hypothermia can set in. But if you keep your breathing under control and you take those long, deep breaths and focus on generating warmth throughout your body, it works. I mean, I've done three minutes in a 33 degree river and when you're in moving water it is more difficult because you don't get that thermal layer that builds around your body when you're in still water. So that's the intense cold plunging I've done.
Speaker 1:So the dopamine is just kind of like almost like the adrenaline of the moment right Shortly after. Are there any long term positive effects?
Speaker 2:for cold plunging. It's very good for your cardiovascular system and your immune system, similar to how saunas work.
Speaker 1:Oh.
Speaker 2:Both of those systems are positively influenced by that, especially if you're going hot to cold, cold to hot. I've heard varying things of you're supposed to do cold first or you're supposed to do hot first or it doesn't matter. So I can't speak on that specifically, but I know that's big in Scandinavian countries where saunas are very popular up there. So we'll go in the sauna, do a cold plunge, go back in the sauna. I've always enjoyed the back and forth and it's about building anti-fragility, like making your body less fragile to shocks.
Speaker 1:Doing uncomfortable things. Yeah, doing uncomfortable things.
Speaker 2:If you're not doing it for any other benefits, do it to get uncomfortable. That's how I feel about the liver too. Like yeah, it has all of these benefits to eating it, but it's a disgusting piece of raw meat and you got to make yourself. Do it, like, get uncomfortable. Do something that you don't want to do to build that anti-fragility up.
Speaker 1:Do you think we're too comfortable here in America?
Speaker 2:Oh, absolutely. Our whole lives are built around comfort. I mean just finally breaking out of this comfort zone of getting sober. I mean, alcohol was my comfort zone. I always knew I had that thing to go back, to fall back on, not think too much. Not feel too much, right, right, right. I mean, you know, with all of the streaming subscriptions, people love to just bury themselves in watching television.
Speaker 1:Right Everything they could want food and item-wise is ordered right to your doorstep.
Speaker 2:Yep, you don't have to leave your house. Social media is crazy, I mean, it can be such a useful tool, but also such a harmful vice.
Speaker 1:Oh God, it's dangerous. I mean.
Speaker 2:I, even if I have too much free time, I get addicted to Instagram. I'm just like scrolling, scrolling. It's the reels man.
Speaker 1:The reels get me. Yeah, they get you.
Speaker 2:But I have recently started consciously curating what I do on Instagram and I've been starting to produce content instead of consume content.
Speaker 1:Right, there you go.
Speaker 2:And so that's what I'm doing with that new Instagram I dropped last week. I'm just showing my story, showing what I do on a daily basis to be healthy and well, and I hope to build a following with that and inspire as many people as I can to do the same.
Speaker 1:Hell yeah, I'm going to drop links for that too. Yeah, I would appreciate that, yeah absolutely It'll be in the link, for you know it's up on Spotify, apple Podcast, google Podcast and stuff. So if people click in the description, then your handle will come up.
Speaker 2:Right on yeah.
Speaker 1:I still got to get around to doing some shit like that. I don't like putting out content, I don't either.
Speaker 2:It's so uncomfortable. I hate it and, as a libertarian, like I'm a very private person, like if I could just disappear off social media and be off the grid, I would Right, but I've come to the point in my life where I think social media is ultimately your resume to the world.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and some people have really highly sought after skills that they can use to provide for themselves. They don't need to be on social media, but unfortunately I graduated from university and don't really have any marketable skills besides spending 10 years in the service industry, bar attending and I don't want to. I don't want to go back to that.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:That being in that environment I don't think is going to be healthy for me. Oh God no, so I have a passion for health and wellness, so I'm trying to share that with the world. Nice Getting out of my comfort zone posting myself on Instagram. It still feels very weird talking to the camera. I know I'm not about it really, and even like this is my first podcast, I'm not used to doing this kind of thing.
Speaker 1:You've been great with this, though.
Speaker 2:Well, thank you yeah.
Speaker 1:I tend to like doing this more than talking to my phone, though, you know, because this feels like a more authentic conversation than me Like yeah, we're just sitting here talking to each other.
Speaker 1:Right, Instead of like me talking to my phone. Oh, I got to do a retake. Oh, I got to take a picture of myself. I got to take a picture of this. You know, like people need to know what we're doing with our lives, which is I don't like taking a moment to like show people my life, because I like just being in the moment.
Speaker 2:Yes, and that is hard to find that balance too.
Speaker 1:It is.
Speaker 2:And eventually I know. Something Brandon has been talking about is outsourcing social media production.
Speaker 1:Yeah to somebody else yeah, that's the goal.
Speaker 2:Here's all this content. Do something, build a reel for me, put out like post content every day. Right Because what I'm realizing. It does take a lot of time.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah.
Speaker 2:Dropped my morning routine reel yesterday morning and just I filmed it all and then just putting it all together, trying to sync it up, make it look like somewhat professional. It takes a lot of time. Yeah, it does.
Speaker 1:And it's a pain in the ass yeah. That's why I actually, you know, like with these cameras and everything, I've been trying to get to a more professional place with that. You know, I know I got to start getting up on that content other than this content, you know, I'd rather just be an author and a podcast host.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:But the world doesn't want that anymore. The world wants a face that they can put to those things and accomplishments and those skills.
Speaker 2:The world wants to hear your story.
Speaker 1:They do, yeah, but they also want to see what's happening around the story, like how does he wake up, what does he do when he wakes up? You know, what are his favorite things to watch on TV, what are his favorite things to eat, what are his favorite workouts to do? You know, if I do a sobriety and wellness podcast, people need to know about it. You know, absolutely. So I'm slowly coming to terms with that, you know.
Speaker 2:You can also use social media to get a feel for what people want to see. Right, I've been doing that like, hey, what have you enjoyed for my content so far? And I don't get a ton of feedback. But the feedback I do get, I use that like okay, people want to see the meals I'm eating. People want to see the workouts I'm doing.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:People want to just see inspirational, motivational messages.
Speaker 1:So Right, I think I'm in the same genre too. I just got to fucking do it, you know. But yeah, like the podcast, audio, the video, the, and then still writing like it's, it gets to be a lot, and social media has fallen down on my, my hierarchy, I should say, you know.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and that's totally understandable, right.
Speaker 1:But you know, doing uncomfortable things is how we grow, though, right? 100% Fuck, yeah, yeah, I'll get around to that. But so you got anything. Got anything else? What are you thinking?
Speaker 2:So you like anime and.
Speaker 1:I don't like anime. I do like anime, I do, I love anime actually.
Speaker 2:So I was laughing listening to the last podcast where you and Brandon were talking shit about my dislike for you.
Speaker 1:That was him, though.
Speaker 2:First of all he got me going on it, though, and I was like, okay, maybe this will be a good opportunity to talk about why I don't like it. Or do you even just think about it, because it's something I've talked shit about for a while? What do you not like about it? I think it really boils down to the way that it's animated. Okay, like the choppiness of the animation, right. It just triggers something in my mind that I really don't like it.
Speaker 1:Do you view it as like cartoony? Is that why?
Speaker 2:I wouldn't say that because I enjoy other cartoons like Rick and Morty. I love the way that's animated.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like adult animation, adult comedy animation yeah.
Speaker 2:And like even I was really big into the Pokemon video games when I was a kid and the trading cards, but I could never watch the show. It bothered me too much yeah.
Speaker 1:I was. Yeah, I watched the show a little bit. I'm a huge Pokemon fan by the way too. You have really big on that shit. You know, yeah, the anime was like like the games and the cards were where it was at.
Speaker 2:I love those 16-bit games.
Speaker 1:Oh, I love that shit.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, and you got that new. What's it called? It's the analog pocket Analog pocket.
Speaker 1:That thing looks awesome. Yo, it's sexy. When I was unboxing it too, like my girlfriend's sitting there and I took the box off and like, oh it's so sexy. She goes are you okay. I'm like, yeah, wish I would have had this 20 years ago. I know, dude, it's literally like you can put in Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance games and it's HD.
Speaker 2:That's so wild it's so crisp it's crazy.
Speaker 1:I actually had to like go through a process of like cleaning all the games out professionally, like undoing the cartridges, cleaning all the pens.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I saw you were doing like some soldering work.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I was doing some soldering work with like the batteries and the Pokemon games. I went like super deep in that hole. Yeah, I couldn't get into the Pokemon anime at all, but Well yeah, for me it's like an overarching all anime.
Speaker 2:It's the way that the choppy animation does something in my brain.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:My autistic self just does not like it. And a lot of my friends are in anime, like I'm one of the few people that I can think of.
Speaker 1:that doesn't like anime, right, it's just one of those things. Well, you like. You like Rick and Morty. Do you like when those like the action scenes in Rick and Morty, when they just get super out of hand, there's explosions, things flying all over the place. Yeah, that animation looks crisp, though, right.
Speaker 2:It does for sure. Yeah, I think it's like the repeat, like in an anime, like a running scene, like they repeat two frames, like back and over. Yeah and it's like that. I think that's the big reason. After thinking about it, I don't think there's any underlying reason why I dislike it, besides the animation. What it does to my brain, right.
Speaker 1:I would say that depending on the anime you're watching. So if you're watching things like Pokemon or even Dragon Ball Z or like the extremely popular ones, those studios have to pump out episodes on like a weekly basis.
Speaker 2:It's almost like South Park, you know? Okay, that makes sense.
Speaker 1:You know so they're. They're reusing frames and clips and shit like that. You know the higher end anime, though, like where they're dropping hundreds of thousands of dollars on episodes and they get years to like produce it, like the animation is totally crispy. You know they're not reusing the same shit like that. Okay, yeah, I don't watch anime, for I mean, it's aesthetically pleasing to me because, well, I don't watch any of the choppy ones.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:You know that was like growing up I would watch Dragon Ball Z. Maybe I would put that in that category too. A lot of people watch other popular ones like that. But the stuff I watch now is definitely animated better. But most of the reason I watch it is for like the philosophy behind it, like the story, the character development, like the super fucked up shit, almost like with like Attack on Titan.
Speaker 1:There's so many underlying themes and there's PTSD, there's war crimes, there's like character development, there's anti-heroes. There's so many fucking things going on that. There's so many things that American television won't touch on, you know. So when I started watching these shows, I'm like a little I'm sitting there, I'm like rocked that they even like said some shit like that you know, because I hadn't seen that in American television. Like over in Japan they don't give a fuck. Really, they're fucking crazy.
Speaker 2:Quite a different perspective Right.
Speaker 1:I mean, after World War II they just they couldn't have an army. So they're like oh, we're just going to dump all of our money into technology and art, you know, and then you have what you have today.
Speaker 2:So would you look at that?
Speaker 1:like wellness or like doing the impossible, chasing your dreams, and stuff like that, overcoming hardships and stuff like. A Lot of the characters that I've watched have inspired me in one way or another to chase my dreams, which is the main reason why I watch them all. Okay, yeah, I love that. Yeah, so it's definitely like a more deeper meaning. It's not just like fight scenes and shit like that. You know, um, yes, I think like there's that picture right there, my, my sister, hand made that really yeah, she did that for my two-year sobriety mark yeah that's awesome.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she picked out. She asked me one day she goes like what are your ten favorite Animates or ten favorite characters? And I I told her and I'm like oh, why. And she goes, oh, I was having a conversation with my friends about it, you know, and played it off like whatever. And then she handed me that on my two-year sobriety mark and it's like my favorite characters and they all have a quote at the bottom of it. So I'm just really big on that shit.
Speaker 2:Okay, I respect that. I think that's really important what you feed your mind. If you're feeding it positive Messages from TV that you watch.
Speaker 1:Yeah, not reality TV or some yeah.
Speaker 2:Well, even for a long time, my favorite shows, the protagonists. I get so identified with them. Yeah, and like I'm watching Mad Men, don Draper fucking alcoholic I'm watching hell on wheels, cullen Bohan and alcoholic. I'm watching all of these shows where the protagonist is just glorifying alcoholism and right.
Speaker 1:Rick and Morty.
Speaker 2:Yeah, rick and Morty yeah it's like one of those things, and I'm I became very aware of that, so now I have to like be careful what I watch, or how much I watch. Right, like always, sunny in Philadelphia Love that show but, I, can't watch too much of it because, it's just degeneracy. Trailer Park Boys Yep, yep, same shit.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I can't say I don't want like family guys. Probably one of my favorite like adult Animation shows like. Rick and Morty in South Park. You know, and I'll love those shows forever. You know I won't stop loving them. But there's like a certain threshold of like, after you're done watching, you're like alright, my brain feels kind of kaputz, right now yeah, wasn't doing really much thinking.
Speaker 1:You know, and, like you know, peterson alcoholic, like the glorification of alcoholism as a joke is seen in media all over the place. You know, and, yeah, I try not to vibe with those protagonists anymore at this point. Yeah, so I actually have to still watch the new Rick and Morty season, but it's airing right now.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, I have not seen any of season seven season seven. I just finished catching up on season six.
Speaker 1:I did the same thing, which.
Speaker 2:I thought was pretty good. I thought season five was a little iffy.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean the newer seat. You know, it's not the first, the first three seasons.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, and I think I heard of Justin Roiland. I'm not sure when exactly that happened.
Speaker 1:So for this new season.
Speaker 2:Okay, so season season six, yeah, season seven.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you can tell a difference, but it's not Not noticeable.
Speaker 2:Yeah so many people that can imitate those voice, act those voices back in like 2017, when I was watching Five hours of Rick and Morty every day. I my Rick impression was right, yeah. Yeah, it's not quite so good anymore, morty, but he used to be really good. I'm just a washed up voice impressionist now. Oh geez, rick, I don't know about this. Another thing I respect about Brandon he can do so many voices.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, oh, this makes me laugh.
Speaker 1:He's a character though for sure yes. Brandon hasn't, like, watched a lot of anime either, though he's watched, he will. He's watched a couple of them, but, yeah, he definitely wanted to give you shit for that.
Speaker 2:So I appreciate that I.
Speaker 1:Think that this is. I think we did a good job on this episode. Do you have anything that you would like to say to my listeners, anything inspirational, or how do you think people can overcome their misconceptions about themselves to live a healthier life?
Speaker 2:well, what I will say is everybody's on their own journey and Everybody takes a different amount of time to to grow and evolve, and some people never get to that point, and I guess what I would like to say is I'm doing my best to inspire as many people as possible, especially the people that Might not have ever evolved on their own, that I can be like the shining light that helped them see their potential. So I Guess I'm gonna keep putting out as high of quality content as I can. I'd really appreciate if anybody's interested, if they want to follow my wellness journey, you can follow at my Instagram. But uh, yeah, I'll leave it at that. I'm always open to feedback. You want to see me do some crazy shit? I'll take it into account and I'll do it and I'll film it, oh yeah. So yeah, I felt very free here today, so feel so much for having me.
Speaker 1:John. Absolutely, this was a damn good conversation. Really appreciate you coming by. Don't forget to follow him on Instagram for his wellness journey. I'm gonna be dropping links in the description. Appreciate everybody coming out today, so stay up and feel free.